– Sometimes the horse exhibits behaviour that we mistakenly interpret as disobedience, but it’s actually a cry for help. In such cases, it’s not effective to ride for a trainer who instructs you to look straight ahead, keep your hands still, and use your legs, says Elaine Butler, who was forced to change her approach when she bought a horse that demanded something different from her.

Today’s guest, the English trainer Elaine Butler formed her own training academy five years ago called Rider-Ability, and she has been teaching for more than 20 years in England, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Spain and Poland. What I like about her is her capacity to work with riders and horses of any age or experience level. Because she works on the basics needed of all good riding. Balance, flexibility and presision And her focus on biomechanics is not only an eyeopener for many riders – it is also a blessing for many horses…